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2022 Annex Little League


Q: How old does my child have to be to participate in your league?
A: Baseball players need to be at least 4 years old and not older than 12 years by August 31st of the current season's year.
    Softball players need to be at least 4 years old and not older than 12 years by December 31st of the previous season's year.

Q: When do I register?
A: You can register right here on this site at anytime beginning in February.
In person LATE registration takes place (if spots are remaining to fill) on the first Monday in March from 6pm - 8pm  & the first Saturday in March from 10am to 2pm

Q: Where do I register? 
A: You can register right here on this site in addition, LATE registration takes place at our Field House above our concession stand at 410 Woodward Ave. New Haven 

Q: What are the fees to play in your league? 
A: Registration fees are $85 for T-Ball. $100 for Co-ed Coach Pitch Baseball & Girl's Coach Pitch Softball.
    $125 for 12 & under kid pitch divisions including Junior Majors and Majors Baseball & Minors and Majors Softball.
    $150 for Juniors Baseball & Softball (if available) 

Q: What is included with the fee?
A: The registration fee includes shirt, hat and socks.
     GREY baseball pants or BLACK softball pants are the responsibility of the player.

Q: Does my child need any other equipment to participate in your league?
A: Yes- Your child is required to have their own glove, helmet and GREY pants for all ages of baseball -or- BLACK pants for all ages
     of softball. Cleats are not required but highly recommended, you can play in sneakers, but we suggest that you don't. Each team
     will have bats and catcher's gear for players to use but most players have their own bag that contains their bat, helmet, glove etc.

Q: I am interested in coaching a team. How do I apply to be a Manager or Coach?
A: If you are new volunteer to our league must fill out a Volunteer Application and submit it to our league for approval.
    If you are a returning volunteer you must fill out a Returning Volunteer Application and submit it to our leage for approval 

Q: If I am approved to be a Manager or Coach will I be able to have my own child on my team?
A: Yes, We will make every effort to accommodate your request to coach your own child.

Q: I am interested in sponsoring a team. How would I go about being a sponsor? 
A: You can fill out the Sponsorship Agreement and return it to us with a check for the appropriate amount.  

Q: I missed the Mandatory Player Screening. Will there be another screening date?                                              
A: No. All unscreened players names' will be put in a hat for selection at the end of the draft
    PLEASE NOTE: Player Screenings are for Kid Pitch divisions ONLY. Coach pitch & T-ball players DO NOT get screened.

Q: When are practices?
A: Practices are at the discretion of our volunteer coaches. Generally once a week, possibly more.

Q: When are games?
A: T-Ball games are on Saturdays, generally the start times are 10:00am, 11:15am & 12:30pm.
Majors and Jr. Major baseball will play during the week on  Mondays thru Thursdays @ 5:45pm & 7:45pm. Make ups for Majors & Jr. Majors will be as needed.
Coach Pitch baseball will be scheduled 3 times per week on Mondays and Wednesdays @ 5:45pm and on Saturdays @ 8am. Based on field availability there is the possibility of Tuesday & Thursday games as well.  Rained out games for Coach Pitch will not be made up. 
The Softball schedule varies as we play against many other towns, Generally the games are scheduled on Tue/Wed/Thurs/Fri. Keep in mind weather changes everything and may have you playing/practicing more or less times per week.

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